That's who I am. A Fighter. Had been all along & are gonna be. Forever. I just wanna say a huge THANK YOU to all haters who kept & keep on making me a Fighter! :) :P :D I am happier than ever. I do whatsofuckingever I want. Thanks to myself only. And God, of course. ;)

I ain't gonna stop. Never gonna see me give it up. Ever. I do trust my gut. No doubts. No regrets. Cuz nobody can hold me down. Never could. Life is hard but if you pay the price then you can play. Just nice & true. Always. .)

I am going to write until the day I die. Going to laugh out loud wherever I feel like it. :D Cuz that's who I am. :) I like my own style not gonna be a copy of anybody. I enjoy my own skin. I like my curves and my voice. :) .)

Just one word to you Ladies out there: ENJOY!!! ;) :D .)
