Depp Heard It All


How fucked up this is?! I had to write it down and I had to say it. I know, I know. We don't know shit about what is going on between the two but still. I wished all the best for them as I always do for everybody who ties that knot. I wanted our sweet Johnny boy to be happy, finally. With who, that doesn't matter, really. But this?! I mean, come on!

I feel bad, for both of them. Was it just a 'wrong turn'? Just a fling? I had a one year marriage too, so all I can say: if it's not going well then better stop. But if Amber is just another  'gold digger'  then I'm more then mad. We have the Kardashians for that. Johnny deserves more. And every man or woman who worked hard for what he/she has.

Amber needs ,,spousal support"? Really?! For what? She is just 30!!! She is perfectly healthy and capable! She doesn't have kids from Johnny, so why? I can not get this crap. Poor Johnny, that is all I can say. Whatsoever has happened, whatsoever he did or did not, I still think Miss Heard is like a hooker, only smarter. Period.
