Daryl's Balls vol.001


I miss #TheWalkingDead that much, it made me write a little something-something. The title makes sense but you have to read the 9 pages to know why. Of course it's not about #DarylDixon's balls, sorry all fangirls but not. It's just fun to title it that way. I don't know how to spread it, it's in pdf and I want to upload it somewhere, it's for free of course and it's a salute to the makers, specially Kirkman, after I finally began to read the comics. /I know, I know....fucking late/

So I put a badass new character in it and I picked the story up where #TWDSeasonFinale left us. I put both the show's and the comic's stroyline in it. And mine, of course. Just for enjoyment. Nothing serious or spoilering. Just for fun.

I hope some of you is gonna help me with letting people read it.
