Boycotting the Oscars 2016


Good to know that I am not alone with my thoughts and feelings in this. THANK YOU JADA!!! <3<3<3 And everybody or anybody who responded to my latest post. We can do this. We can find a way to love, respect and acknowledge each other and ourselves, of course. Hell yeah, why to beg for anybody to invite us or to notice us?! Because they won't, anyway. Time to rise. Time to start something new. I am so glad and happy to be in this new era.

I am just learning what writing and making movies are but I love doing it, grew up doing it and I am going to do it for the rest of my life. Whoever says whatever. And I know I am good at it and what things I am capable of. I respect, love and appreciate other artists because I am familiar with their struggles, victories, good and bad times. I can be happy for another's success and I don't give a damn what color their skin is, or where they are coming from! I encourage you all to rise together!!!

I support anything new and I hope you all get what you want from this Life! I have a dream... ;)

