Alan Rickman


To honor someone the right way is hard. Alan was a very good actor who did everything to entertain us, even made a fool of himself. His mimicry told us that he knew what was happening but never minds. :)

Good or evil, which roles fit him the most? I am not writing now to tell you that. Neither to draw attention to myself. Nor to lie about how well I know him.

I am writing because I lost some inspiration today and I'm sad about that. He was unique. And I'm tired of losing people. I am aware that I have to get myself together and keep going /just like I say to those people who deserve some good push/ but still. Why are you guys leaving us? Lemmy first, then you, Alan.

I am not ready to stay here alone on this damned, beautiful, bleeding Earth. I need your help, your guidance. I need you guys to grab my shoulders and shake me to my core, from time to time. I need more inspiration and motivation. I have to know that I am not alone out here.

Art. Life is art. Getting up is art. Walking tall again is art.

Big Wolf Hugs
