The World Health Organization /WHO/ declared the Zika virus an international public health emergency on Monday and highlighted its concerns regarding the effects of the virus on pregnant women. The virus has been linked to thousands of suspected cases of babies born with underdeveloped brains in South America.
This Zika virus is a mosquito-borne infection, which isn't harmful in most cases. But it may be harmful for pregnancies, as its been potentially linked to birth defects, specifically, abnormally small heads /microcephaly/.
The WHO reports that the vast majority of people who contact the Zika virus will only suffer mild symptoms, akin to a mild flu or a simple cold. Some may have no symptoms at all. The infection is believed to last between two and seven days.
European countries have reported cases involving travel to Zika-infected areas.
Problems arise in South America, however, where women between the age of 15 and 45 are becoming exposed to the virus for the first time. The effects of the virus become evident if these women fall pregnant and countries such as Brazil and El Salvador have adviced women to avoid pregnancy for at least the next year.
How nice. I have never ever liked mosquitos. These news make me think a little deeper into all around us.