


'Heavy Bag Killer - Next step' is still writing itself out of me. I want this book to really be that next step we all must take to get closer to the truth. To see things how they are. To see ourselves how we are. No more distractions, influences, thoughts. See the naked self.

Get ready to experience huge changes and turns. The tides are high already but this is the way we like it. This is the only method which can wake us up. And this time, there won't be any chance to go back where we were. This is the new start, the road where we meant to step on. With our NEXT STEP.



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Go the Fuck to Sleep


Jennifer Garner can always surprise me. I like how cool she is, I mean, reading from a children's book titled 'Go the Fuck to Sleep' is kinda cool in my eyes. I don't care about any gossip or happenings in her private life but I do care when she makes a movie or does anything like this! Hilarious video, highly recommend to watch! XD

Other thangs on the field these days: I have to confess how I hated Beth in #TWD /fucking annoying little bitch/ and now I kinda starting to feel the very same for Maggie. and Glenn. What's gotten into me?! Hell, like I know! I want them dead. Or turned. Well, a bit of both. XD Rick and Michonne deserved a hook up long long time ago!!! Really, both were just damn fine all the time and got nothing in reurn!!! :D Daryl is the main man still, I really agree most of the time with him. About anything and everything. Survivors are bulit that way. Keep the faith and counting on ya,  the only true badass without any other cause! :D

WOMEN ARE FUNNY. Even more than men, sometimes. But just as funny as them. WE can talk about bullshit too, pretending that it is a brand new discovery. Come on, to be funny has nothing to do with gender /except transgender/! The question is only: is it your natural thang to be funny or you force it? Because only the natural funsters can win laughters in the end and during the way. XD

Sofia Vergara is gorgeous. I really like her and she is pretty funny, if you ask me. Not just her accent but each and every move she makes. I didn't know she was a single mom and I respect her even more for that. I wish her all the best and I want to see more comedies and other movies made with her. I like Latin Women and I hope Hollywood opens up for more! :D



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#TWD did surprise me again. /spoilers/ Rick and Michonne?! Well, fast recovery and it was time. :D They fit and I hope none of the twosome dies this season. :P Daryl and Rick were very cute during their session in the last episode. But somehow I feel this 'Jesus' guy knocked them out badly. Specially Daryl. Good to see that he is not immortal and untouchable but also it's sad to see him get slow and tired. :P

There is another show though, which makes me go crazy for it and because of it. I knew before /cuz of #SOA/ that Kurt Sutter is a fucked up genius but #THESHIELD knocks me out each time. SO FUCKING WELL-WRITTEN. Damn. I'm at the 7th season, sadly pretty soon be over and I don't want that. Okay, okay. I know it has to have an end but why so soon?! :P Meaning: if you want quality /but just in case get ready to see some really fucked up shit/, watch #TheShield. Convinced me. .)

Friends and relatives and stuff. Here we go again. I don't know what got into people in this era we are living but 'go to hell' is not the best expression. I want to understand but it's pretty obvious that I can't. Accepting their behaviour is another thang. I have to focus on the good what's left on this planet. So from today I am ofiicially truning to that.

Writing. The only thing which keeps me alive and makes me move forward. So I am sticking to it most definitely and we are going to see what happens. .)




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A milliomos feljegyzései


Ilyet sem láttam még, de most már nekem is van. Egészen pontosan tegnap óta. Egy tömböm, ami olyan, mint egy köteg húszezer forintos, de "csak" egy jegyzetfüzet. XD Motivációnak nem utolsó. A siker titka úgyis a vizualizáció, nem? De! ;)

Pletyik: Vin Diesel is gyűjti a zsetont, mint bárki más. Újra magára ölti 'Xander Cage' gúnyáját. Még a boszorkányvadászos filmjét sem láttam, de kíváncsi vagyok. Neki sem adnak még komoly szerepet, de hát 48 éves, lassan kiöregszik a non-stop akcióból! :P Jennifer Lopez aka JLo viszont egyre szebb! Imádom ezt a nőt, nem lehet betelni vele! Az egy dolog, hogy gyönyörű szép, de jó színésznő és elképesztő énekes-táncos! Hogy 46 éves lenne már? Ugyan! 36 évesnek ha mondanám! :)  Az én drága Angiem pedig csak azokat lepte meg a nemrégi kijelentésével, akik nem ismerték meg az évtizedek alatt igazán. Még ha csak a filmjeit láttad, akkor is érezhető volt, hogy nem egy 'anya-típus'. Cambodia és a kicsi Maddox megváltoztatták, mert ugye őt onnan fogadta örökbe, majd EGYEDÜL nevelte fel. Meglátta az Amerikán kívüli világot, ami szíven is ütötte. Barnes & Noble, New York. Amelyik sztár nem náluk adhatja ki a könyvét, az nem is igazi sztár. :P

Mozogjatok sokat a SZABADBAN!!! Ha csak egy séta, ha egy kicsit több, ha futás...tök midegy! Csak mozogjatok minden nap!

Gél körömlakk, ideje nekem is kipróbálni, persze 'home-made' verzióban, mert továbbra sem értem, miért fizet valaki azért, hogy kilakkozzák a körmét. Amelyik nő nem tudja ezt saját magának megcsinálni, az meg is érdemli, hogy fizessen érte. :P

Azt nem tudom, miért lehet jó és milyen egy sokkal idősebb férfival /vagy nővel/ élni, de azt igen, hogy milyen egy kicsivel fiatalabb férfival: nagyon üdítő, néha dühítő, mégis kielégítő, bolondos és szédítő, nem kell merevítő, mindene hevítő, szíve még érző és szerethető. :)

Nagy Mackó Ölelés




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